
Creating 'Hello World' using Silex 2 and Twig part three

This is part three of the tutorial series about setting up a simple website using Silex 2, Twig and PureCSS. In case you missed part one or part two read up and visit this part again. In the third part, we will add a visual layer over the site using PureCSS. This will also be the last part since Sensio Labs will stop Silex development in 2018.

Creating 'Hello World' using Silex 2 and Twig part two

This is part two of the tutorial series about setting up a simple website using Silex 2, Twig and PureCSS. In case you missed part one take a step back and read it. In this part we will render the pages using Twig and create a menu for browsing the site.

Creating 'Hello World' using Silex 2 and Twig

You can use the Symfony framework to create websites, a lot of stuff will be there right out of the box. Today I will use the slimmed-down Silex framework to create a basic website, to get to know the building blocks of Symfony in isolation.